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Financial Support for Melanoma Patients and their Families

March4Meg' understands the strain that is put on families effected by Melanoma. If you, or someone you know in is need of assistance because of this vicious disease, we ask that you please reach out to us so that we can discuss ways we might be able to assist. Please fill out the contact form below or email Please know that these scenarios will be treated with the utmost respect and discresion.

Thank you. A March4Meg representative will reach out to you as soon as possible.

Contact us:



3400 West 111th Street Chicago, Illinois 60655



© 2015 by March4Meg NFP 501(c)3.

The mission of March4Meg is to fight melanoma by increasing awareness, offering educational programs and raising funds for the melanoma program at Advocate Christ Medical Center through the Meg Moonan Endowment. In addition, financial resources will be utilized for other melanoma related causes, including but not limited to sun safety education and other melanoma prevention programs, as well as financial support to melanoma patients and their families.

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